February 2017 Urban Sustainability Innovation Report
February 2017 - 2016 Annual Funds Report
Collective Impacts: USDN Grant Fund Investment Exceeds $2.9 Million in 2016, Supporting 57 Projects - USDN continues to align and leverage its Family of Funds to support members as they advance their sustainability goals. This issue summarizes the 2016 accomplishments of the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance Innovation Fund, the USDN Innovation Fund, Partners for Places, and the Peer Learning Exchange. MORE »
Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance: Year Two Provides a Solid Foundation on Which to Grow this Innovation fund - CNCA is a collaboration of leading global cities working to cut greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 80% or more by 2050 or sooner. The most aggressive GHG reduction targets undertaken by any cities across the globe are supported in part by CNCA’s Innovation Fund, which is poised to expand. MORE »
USDN Innovation Fund: 2016 Grants allow 63 USDN Members to Address Collective Needs – In 2016, the USDN Innovation Fund made over $845,000 in investments in competitive, innovative projects focused on impacts and scaling. A record 22 grant projects completed and are posted here. MORE »
Partners for Places: The Close of 2016 Sees Just over $4 million Awarded over 10 Grant Rounds – Seventy-five percent of the new 2016 projects address climate change in a number of ways, such as supporting climate mitigation or climate resilience. When examined from the perspective of equity in sustainability, 75% are advancing equity by providing benefits or reducing disparities for disadvantaged residents. MORE »
Peer Learning Exchange: Over $130,000 in Investments have Funded 34 Exchanges as 2016 Closed - As of December 2016, the USDN Peer Learning Exchange grant program has awarded $137,484.15 to fund 34 exchanges, with a total of 164 participating USDN member communities. Sixty-eight percent of members have collaborated on proposals through its first 4 years. MORE »