September 2017 Urban Sustainability Innovation Report

September 2017 - USDN and CNCA Member Leading on Climate Action

Celebrating Energy Sector Successes: Energy Supply and Demand Achievements Rank Highest among USDN member achievements in 2016. USDN asked members in the 2017 Impacts Survey to list the top three sustainability successes over the past year. Discover their most cited achievements, and how USDN supports these endeavors. MORE»

Sustainability Directors Look Ahead: Energy Supply, demand, and transportation feature among USDN member’s current top sustainability priorities over the next 3 to 5 years. It has been said that Climate Change is the most pressing issue of our time. USDN members look ahead to target the high-emission fields of energy and transportation system transformations. MORE»

Equity as the Framework for Project Design: Oakland’s Daniel Hamilton Applies an Equity Checklist to City Projects. How well does this work? What drives the equity framing, both for Daniel and for Oakland? How did his recent attendance at the CNCA Annual Meeting impact his perspective? Read on to find out. MORE»

Overcoming Climate Politics: Salt Lake City’s Vicki Bennett Explains How Climate Became an Acceptable Conversation in a Politically Conservative Environment. Vicki shares her wisdom freely with humor and humility. Learn how she has worked to move the climate change conversation into the open at the local, regional, and state-wide level. MORE»

The Power of Collaboration: Fort Collins’ Jackie Kozak-Thiel Discusses the Importance of Peer Exchange in a Culture-Changing Field. From the state to local level, Jackie discusses the challenges of being the face of 80% reduction by 2030 goals for a city, and what having access to peer networks means to her. MORE»