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Holistic Building Electrification as an Intragovernmental Resilience Tool in Oakland, CA: A project to solidify building electrification (BE) as a unifying resilience concept with relevance across traditional local government work units, to maximize public funding and accelerate an equitable decarbonization transition. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Climate Adaptation Justice in Stockholm, Sweden: A project to identify and map justice-related aspects in adaptation to weather- and climate-related risks in the Stockholm City metropolitan area and to involve relevant stakeholders in a co-creation process with an eye to long-term collaboration on these issues. (CNCA Climate Justice Fund, 2024). 
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Community Driven Climate Policy in King County, WA: A project to integrate frontline community participation in the 2025 update to the county’s Strategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP). (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Community Voice Matters – Evolving from Stipends to Partner MOUs in Berkeley, CA: A project to launch a new project to update Berkeley’s General Plan Safety Element, develop a new General Plan Environmental Justice (EJ) Element, and create an Equitable Climate and Resilience Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy and Dashboard. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Facilitating community collaboration to build safe, sustainable urban food production in Portland, ME: A project to enhance community resilience by hosting three workshops where participants will work collaboratively to build 70 raised garden beds provided to low income and immigrant gardeners through the City’s Community Garden Program. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Building an Equitable EV Future in Shoreline, WA: A project to center and engage the City of Shoreline’s frontline communities in climate action conversations around electric vehicles (EVs) to foster equitable adoption of and minimize displacement from new EV charging infrastructure. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice and Flood Mitigation in Hackensack, NJ: A project to enhance existing Combined Sewer separation plans with community designed green infrastructure to mitigate storm water flooding in low income neighborhoods addressing Environmental Justice issues. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Energy Efficiency Workforce Training: Professionalizing roles and building capacity in Memphis-Shelby, TN: A project to support existing staff to deepen engaged research opportunities around program evaluation and secure energy audit equipment to track impact longer term. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Indy’s Thriving Neighbors Series in Indianapolis, IN: A project to re-establish community engagement on sustainability and resiliency in close collaboration with Indy Parks by convening a series of low-barrier engagement opportunities in J40 neighborhoods where partner organizations build capacity of community members with meaningful connections, sustainability education, and climate action tools, as well as identify neighbors interested in participating in more long-term or formal engagement or co-ownership capacities. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Climate Related Inequities Locally in Copenhagen, Denmark: A project to produce an operational tool of local climate related inequities in Copenhagen that will inform the development of Copenhagen's Climate Plan for 2035. (CNCA Climate Justice Fund, 2024). 
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Equitable, Community-Driven Climate Justice Planning in Harris County in Harris County, TX: A climate justice planning project aimed to co-create local, implementable solutions with frontline residents who have been most impacted by climate hazards and disasters. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Program development and event supplies for monthly community climate learning sessions in Duluth, MN: A project to increase Duluth residents’ awareness of and capacity for implementing clean energy and climate actions through a monthly series of learning events and outreach materials. With hands-on sessions, residents will better familiarize themselves with climate actions, policy, technology and funding mechanisms. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Near West Side Greenway: Co-designing with the Community in South Bend, IN: A project to create a greenway, as a linear park, in a neighborhood on the Near West Side of South Bend that lacks a park and has asked for one for several years. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Cross-Community Climate Collaboration (C4) in Cook County, IL: A project to support building additional partners in C4, implement structures for communication and collaboration within and across communities, and implement specific equitable climate projects. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Community Outreach & Engagement to Support Implementation of the Regional Decarbonization Framework in San Diego, CA: A project to develop an equitable, inclusive community engagement process that supports the engagement of impacted refugee, asylee and immigrant communities in the implementation of the County of San Diego’s Regional Decarbonization Framework. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Lihu'e Community Placemaking, Forestry & Gardens Initiative in Kauai, HI: A project to support the installation of native street trees and community gardens in Lihu'e and create a plan/partnership framework for future green infrastructure. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Bridging West End to the River: A Community Riverfront Vision in Pittsburgh, PA: A project to build a foundation for community leadership as significant riverfront planning efforts get underway in Pittsburgh’s West End. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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LNPK 156- Enhancing Resilience Through Food Access and Social Connectedness in Duluth, MN: A project to build climate resilience and address health disparities in a low-income neighborhood through creative placemaking and collaborative partnership development. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Assessing the Cost Effectiveness of Mobile Home Decarbonization in San Luis Obispo, CA: A research project to evaluate the cost effectiveness of electrification in mobile homes and determine whether a climate and public health solution can co-solve for the acute energy burdens faced by mobile home residents. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Cultivating a Regenerative Food Culture in Waco, TX: A project to provide education and infrastructure for composting and gardening with goals for food waste recovery, food production, and methane reduction at the landfill. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Advancing Equitable, Shared Governance for Monterey Bay Regional Climate Investment: A project to redefine local government and environmental justice groups’ roles and relationships in the Monterey Bay (California) Regional Climate Project Working Group (RCPWG) by developing meaningful pathways for the emerging Monterey Bay Area Climate Justice Collaborative (MBACJC) in project development and decision-making around funding priority climate work in the region, focusing on a bottom up approach to defining those roles. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Greater Cincinnati Higher Education Sustainability Cohort: A project to create a regional cohort of higher ed institutions to network, support, and share best practices on current and future sustainability initiatives and opportunities. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Community and climate resilience building through MHM-SOUP: A project that innovated by addressing climate change challenges in the Montreal borough of Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve (MHM) through a supportive and facilitating monthly event that aims at strengthening social fabric, implementing local initiatives and building community and climate resilience. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Growing Secondary Markets to Inform Construction Materials Policy : A project to develop infrastructure to feed data-driven deconstruction and material reuse policies that will result in long-term solutions for the commercial construction sector. (CNCA Game Changer Fund, 2024). 
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Collaborative Design of Federal Funding Proposal in Santa Clara County: A project to collaboratively develop a federal funding proposal in partnership with community-based organizations, local jurisdictions, and the County of Santa Clara to drive equitable approaches for environmental justice and climate resilience. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 

Community-Centered Climate Training Cohort and Government Partnership: A project that will build a relationship for County government agencies to collaborate on wildfire/extreme heat training, communication, and preparedness needs with community-based partners, and to co-create and co-design replicable, relevant, and modifiable training and educational materials to support the health, safety, and resilience of priority and frontline communities during and beyond these events.(Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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Collective Impact and Climate Art Community Innovation: A project that brings together several city-wide and community-based climate and social well being organizations, as well as youth and local artists from equity deserving communities to collectively design, coordinate and implement a climate art project(s) in North Scarborough. (CNCA Climate Justice Fund, 2024). 
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Power-sharing in the Implementation of Vancouver’s Climate Justice Charter (CJC) in Vancouver, CAN: A project that uses processes to draw from the fields of social innovation and systemic design as alternatives to the standard policy-making, program delivery, and public engagement processes that we use at the City. (CNCA Climate Justice Fund, 2024). 
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Waco Green Champions Community Engagement Program: A project that engages community members in educational survey events to inform the development of the Sustainable Action Roadmap and federal grant applications as well as increase community buy-in of city-based sustainable initiatives. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2024). 
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FPAC Expanding Membership around Justice and Joy: A project that supports inclusive, tiered membership options, to expand capacity to mitigate historical harms in our city’s food system as a key component of the Food Policy Advisory Council’s (FPAC) Strategic Plan “to grow membership around justice and joy”. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Richmond’s Community Climate Funding Table: A project that introduces collaborative working sessions, convened by the Office of Sustainability, to gather Richmond’s sustainability leaders to prioritize project ideas and co-create pathways and materials to apply for and be awarded Federal funding to bring them to fruition. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Equitable Involvement: Reimagining a Community Climate Advisory Committees in Watsonville, CA: A project that reinvigorates a currently minimally active climate advisory committee by applying an equity lens to capacity-building with the intent to deliver; increased transparency, recognition and application of community wisdom, and the governance framework necessary to transition the committee’s engagement from level 2 (consult) to level 3 (involve) on the spectrum from engagement to empowerment. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Strengthening San Francisco’s Racial and Social Equity Assessment Tool: A project to strengthen San Francisco's Racial and Social Equity Assessment Tool (RSEAT) and processes to create a “RSEAT 2.0.” (CNCA Climate Justice Fund, 2023).
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Enhancing Transportation Equity: A Bike Repair Workshop Open to Everybody Bikes in Burlington, VT: A project to create a new Everybody Bikes Open Shop to provide access to tools, knowledge, and expertise from trained mechanics enabling OSH to empower riders with the skill set to maintain and fix their own bikes. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Climate Justice Collaborative of Boulder County, CO: A project to develop a frontline community member-led collaborative that creates and applies a racial equity framework, shifting power structures and enacting just solutions to climate change. (Partners for Places, 2023). 
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Holistic Housing for Equity and Efficiency in Milwaukee, WI: A project to utilize a holistic housing approach through improved coordination and updates to existing citywide programming to address barriers to energy efficiency work, such as outdated electrical wiring and roofing repairs. (USDN Mid-Sized Cities, 2023). 
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Chugach Beneficial Electrification and Energy Star Incentive Program in Anchorage, AL: A project to implement beneficial electrification and Energy Star incentive program for low- to moderate-income residential members by providing incentives for the purchase of beneficial electrification equipment and Energy Star appliances. (USDN Mid-Sized Cities, 2023). 
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Identifying Community Values for Open Space Planning in Douglas County, KS: A project to complete Phase I (of III) of Open Space Plan development focused on building relationships and identifying guiding community values related to open space. (Partners for Places, 2023). 
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City of Minneapolis Climate Equity Plan (CEP) Equitable Engagement : A project to broaden and deepen the City’s engagement with BIPOC and immigrant community members in the Minneapolis Climate Action and Equity Plan update through deliberate partnership with community organizers, organizations and artists and to highlight impacts and best practices to ensure a just and equitable transition to a net-zero carbon future. (CNCA Game Changer Fund, 2023). 
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Climate Action Survey Sessions in South Bend, IN: A project to empower community-led and equity-focused climate action through educational, celebratory, 1-hour events. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Housing Anti-displacement and Energy Equity Pilot in Sacramento, CA: A project to deliver energy efficiency improvements, electrification retrofits, and home repairs to low-income households in conjunction with the City of Sacramento’s anti-displacement and home rehabilitation program. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Increasing Community Sustainability through Housing Stability in Detroit, MI: A project to address inter sectional housing issues by empowering and equipping limited income homeowners to address lead hazards, energy inefficacy, and other home repair needs(Partners for Places, 2023). 
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The Philadelphia Urban Agriculture Plan: A project to develop a comprehensive citywide Urban Agriculture Plan that establishes a unified narrative and goals for agriculture, as well as strategies and targets to implement and track progress. (Partners for Places, 2023). 
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Multnomah County Community Climate Justice Vision: A project to develop a frontline community centered vision of climate justice that will serve as the foundation for a Multnomah County government and community climate justice plan. (Partners for Places, 2023). 
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Communicating Climate Justice Issues Through Art in Multnomah County, OR: A project to work with community-based artists to help bring visions of climate justice to life through art. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Building the Groundwork for Meaningful Climate Empowerment in Pierce County, WA: A project to empower frontline communities in climate planning, informing how local government will initially engage communities and building the groundwork for shared implementation. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Supporting Equity in Baltimore Stormwater Training and Enforcement: A project to build a movement of support for effective, equitable implementation of state-wide solutions addressing environmental response to climate change(Partners for Places, 2023). 
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Multilingual Engagement-Game to Spur Climate Action! in Seattle, WA: This work will use the Seattle Department of Transportation’s (SDOT’s) robust transportation emissions “Climate Calculator”, to develop an innovative DIGITAL GAME to engage Seattle residents and workers on key strategies to deliver on Seattle’s climate and equity goals through the Seattle Transportation Plan. (CNCA Game Changer Fund, 2023). 
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Yolo County Equitable Engagement: Compensating Community Voices in Yolo County, CA: A project dedicated to ensuring equitable community engagement is centered in Yolo County’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) development so that individuals/groups who have been excluded from previous planning processes — such as farm workers, BIPOC community members, residents from rural/unincorporated areas, non-English speakers, youth, etc.—have the opportunity to guide CAAP development, participate in CAAP working groups, and receive the compensation and support needed to do so(Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Electric Heat Pumps for Rehabilitated Homes in Reno, NV: A project to create a Pilot Program to retrofit homes with heat pumps, replacing oil, propane or natural gas, and targeting underserved residents in our community. (USDN Mid-Sized Cities, 2023). 
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Weatherization to Address Energy Burden in Memphis, TN: A project to establish and complete proof of concept of a rooftop solar installation model that will directly reduce utility bills for residents of unsubsidized affordable housing. (USDN Mid-Sized Cities, 2023). 
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Empowering Local Communities in Melbourne to Advance Climate Justice: A project to develop a guide to enable deeper and more deliberative collaboration between disadvantaged and marginalized communities and local governments to address climate justice issues. (CNCA Game Changer Fund, 2023). 
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Climate Connections for Buffalo’s East Side Youth in Erie County, NY: A project to lay the foundation for authentic relationships between existing sustainability efforts in Erie County and citizens of the East Side of Buffalo, starting with the youth participating in the Omega Mentoring Program. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Vancouver Circular Food Economy: Phase 4 in Vancouver, CAN: A project to prototype and test circular food waste solutions along Vancouver’s diverse food supply chain. (CNCA Game Changer Fund, 2023). 
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Climate Equity Collaborative Principles of Equitable Engagement in Berkeley, CA: A project to Convene a new Climate Justice Collaborative with the support of a skilled equity coach and facilitator to build capacity within community organizations and strengthen the network of community-based partners and leaders working in the nexus of climate and justice.(Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Aligning Investments: Economic Justice and Equitable Resilience in Salt Lake City, UT: A project to host a regional convening of local governments, partners, and stakeholders of the Western Adaptation Alliance (WAA), to align local climate initiatives with federal Justice40 priorities, catalyze partnerships for federal funding pursuits, and respond to WAA members expressed desire to enhance economic justice and promote equitable resilience in their local climate actions. (Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Urban Food Forest at Browns Mill in Atlanta, GA: A project to create the nation’s largest and Atlanta’s first publicly owned Food Forest to deliver environmental, economic, and social justice outcomes for the local community.(Partners for Places, 2023). 
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Strengthening Frontline Capacity for Climate Resilience Planning in Palm Beach County, FL:  This project strengthened the capacity of frontline communities for climate resilience planning to ensure more equitable processes and outcomes when the County creates its forthcoming county-wide climate change vulnerability assessment and resilience action plan (VARAP). (USDN Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Growing the Circular Economy through Community Trust Building in Ann Arbor, MI:  This project built community trust and informed Ann Arbor’s Circular Economy strategy in a way that is visible, appealing, and accessible to Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County residents of all income levels, and that engages the expertise of Ann Arbor’s BIPOC and frontline residents in developing Circular Economy goals. (USDN Emergent Learning Fund, 2023). 
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Consumption-based GHG Emissions Policy Framework for Cities: A project to develop an initial methodology for cities to use as they address consumption-based emissions in planning  and practice. (CNCA Game Changer Fund, 2023). 
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Solar Energy for Cleveland’s LMI Residents in Cleveland, OH: A project to pilot solar panel installations for low-to-moderate income (LMI) households, which will support a long-term program aimed at reducing barriers to adoption of solar energy. (USDN Mid-Sized Cities, 2023). 
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City of Lancaster Comprehensive Plan in Lancaster, PA: A project to conduct robust community engagement to inform core values and priorities and draft policies to ensure that the resulting Comprehensive Plan is inclusive and equitable. (Partners for Places, 2023). 
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