Carbon Drawdown

Table of Contents

Innovation Lab - Concept Developing and Prototyping: Learning resources to understand the topic.

Innovation Lab - Refinement: Tools and guides to inform developing programs.

Adoption Accelerator - Standards Emerging and Scaling: Implementation examples to show how it is being done.

Innovation Lab - Concept Developing and Prototyping:

Learning resources to understand the topic.

Community Outreach & Engagement to Support Implementation of the Regional Decarbonization Framework in San Diego, CA: A project to develop an equitable, inclusive community engagement process that supports the engagement of impacted refugee, asylee and immigrant communities in the implementation of the County of San Diego’s Regional Decarbonization Framework. (Partners for Places, 2024). 
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Carbon Offsets for Indigenous Land Regeneration in Sydney, Australia: A project to establish a market signal, precedent and ethical system for secure long-term finance streams to traditional custodians and Indigenous enterprise to undertake and maintain regeneration projects. (CNCA Game Changer Fund, 2021)
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Urban Bioenergy-Biochar Development Strategy and Playbook in Boulder, CO: A project to synthesize a bioenergy-biochar implementation action strategy in four CNCA cities focusing on two opportunity areas—urban forestry & biosolids-to-biochar—and create both a “playbook” for development of similar projects in North American and European cities (urban forest carbon management) and a white paper guiding prefeasibility assessment (biosolids-to-biochar).. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2021). 
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Yokohama Blue Carbon: The City of Yokohama and their partners pioneered a study on “urban blue carbon”, in order to propose an internationally applicable method to accurately estimate the carbon reduction effect in the urban coastal line. This field study is conducted in Kanazawa Bay, Yokohama’s coastal area, to measure the carbon absorption and fixation volume of seaweed. (CNCA Innovation Fund, 2019)
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Cascadia Region Urban Forestry and Adaptation Convening and Tree Procurement Paper: The Cascadia Regional Network convened experts and practitioners of urban forestry, municipal sustainability and planning, and climate adaptation to address adaptation opportunities for urban forestry. (USDN Innovation Fund, 2015)
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Innovation Lab - Refinement: Tools and guides to inform developing programs.

Urban Biodiversity Inventory Framework, Phase II: Building on the first phase of the Urban Biodiversity Inventory Framework (UBIF), this project resulted in a comprehensive suite of tools for cities to be able to implement the Framework. Phase 1 provided the rationale and methodology for a surrogate species approach to urban biodiversity data collection. Phase 2 provided cities with capacity building tools: ways to understand their own ecological parameters, collect data, and share this data with decision-makers and the public (USDN Innovation Fund, 2019).
» California Academy of Sciences Urban Biodiversity Inventories
» iNaturalist Trips
» GreenInfo Network Urban Biodiversity and Demographics
» Urban Biodiversity Hub (UBHub)

Urban Biodiversity Inventory Framework: The City of St. Louis led an effort to create an Urban Biodiversity Inventory Framework that provides a methodology communities can use to guide their efforts to track and restore urban biodiversity. Products include: 1) the Urban Biodiversity Inventory Framework; 2) Protocol Sheets (plants, butterflies, birds, beetles, and bees), and 3) a guide to using the web-based tool (USDN Innovation Fund, 2016).
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Adoption Accelerator - Standards Emerging and Scaling: Implementation examples to show how it is being done.

Lincoln, NE South of Downtown Neighborhood Sustainability Implementation: A project to implement sustainability elements of a multi-year neighborhood planning process in an area of extreme poverty and diversity. (Partners for Places, 2018)
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Using Trees as Green Infrastructure for Economic, Social and Environmental Outcomes in St. Louis: A project to employ teens and to host neighborhood tree-planting events to help address stormwater management while also enhancing tree canopy, reducing heat island impact, and strengthening community relations (Partners for Places, 2018).
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Creating a Unified Community Vision for the Future of Syracuse’s Urban Forest: A project to create a public outreach campaign for urban forest master planning (Partners for Places, 2018).
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Green Infrastructure in Low-Income Neighborhoods in Bridgeport CT: A project to engage residents in developing a plan to create more tree canopy, open spaces and stormwater solutions that will reduce flooding in a low-income area of this city. (Partners for Places, 2016).
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Open Space in Underserved Communities in Los Angeles CA: A project to provide more open space in underserved communities in Los Angeles—a city where only 33 percent of children are within walking distance of a park—by transforming nine schoolyards into parks for use during non-school hours. (Partners for Places, 2016).
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Waterfront Development in Milwaukee WI: A project to bring the public back to the long-industrial waterfront through community outreach and a greening of the city’s long-industrial Harbor District. (Partners for Places, 2016).
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Neighborhood Greening in Louisville KY: A project to implement a neighborhood-scale greening plan in a socioeconomically and environmentally-deprived neighborhood; this project will assess the impact of the natural environment on human health. (Partners for Places, 2015).
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Residential Climate Change Adaptation in Cleveland OH: A project to mitigate and adapt to climate change by engaging residents in improving tree canopy, transportation mode shift, and entrepreneurship, delivering tangible outcomes for neighborhood resilience and equity. (Partners for Places, 2015).
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